Seasons of Growth

Have you ever stopped to marvel at the way our little ones grow? It's like watching the seasons turn, isn't it? One moment, they're tiny buds, just peeking out from the earth. The next, they're blossoming into vibrant, beautiful beings, full of life and wonder. I see it every day with my two boys, and … Continue reading Seasons of Growth

Unbound Joy: Celebrating Your Highlight Reel Without Apology

Your social media presence can be a chance to showcase the things that resonate most with your heart and soul. Putting the spotlight on the moments, experiences and people that fill you with happiness is a deliberate choice - one that can uplift and encourage others to do the same. There's no need to feel … Continue reading Unbound Joy: Celebrating Your Highlight Reel Without Apology

Reclaiming Cassandra’s Voice: An Art & Journal Prompt

Now, I don't know about you, but Greek mythology has always captivated me. And today I was reminded of the tale of Cassandra in Greek Mythology. This woman, blessed (or maybe cursed?) with the gift of prophecy - it's the kind of story that just sticks with you, you know? As the story goes, Cassandra … Continue reading Reclaiming Cassandra’s Voice: An Art & Journal Prompt

Cultivating Wonder: Our Family’s Adventures During Spring Break

As the gentle embrace of Spring envelops our home (despite the snow that’s still on the ground) , I find myself filled with pride and joy as I reflect on the adventures and mini-project my boys, have undertaken during this Spring Break. We got to explore the Science Gallery, Planetarium, and Manitoba Museum where we … Continue reading Cultivating Wonder: Our Family’s Adventures During Spring Break

Celebrating Our 1000 Hours Outside Journey: Embracing Adventure and Gratitude

As the year gets nearer to its end, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on our family's participation in the 1000 Hours Outside challenge. While we're currently at 903 hours and it looks like we may fall a bit short of the 1000-hour mark by December 31st, I am incredibly proud of the … Continue reading Celebrating Our 1000 Hours Outside Journey: Embracing Adventure and Gratitude

Winter Solstice: A Celebration of Renewed Warmth, Light, and Connection

Merry Meet dear readers! As we approach Winter Holidays , I wanted to share the deeper significance of this special time of year for my family and I. While our family gatherings may include Christmas and Hanukkah traditions, we have embraced our own unique way of celebrating this season that is focused around Winter Solstice. … Continue reading Winter Solstice: A Celebration of Renewed Warmth, Light, and Connection

Harvesting Gratitude: Finding Joy in the Simple Pleasures of Fall

As the leaves are changing and the trees are wearing less and less as the air turns crisp, we welcome the Autumn season in Winnipeg with open arms. For my family, this time of year is all about shifting our pace and centering our focus on gratitude and creativity. Here are some of the ways … Continue reading Harvesting Gratitude: Finding Joy in the Simple Pleasures of Fall