Celebrating Our 1000 Hours Outside Journey: Embracing Adventure and Gratitude

As the year gets nearer to its end, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on our family’s participation in the 1000 Hours Outside challenge.

While we’re currently at 903 hours and it looks like we may fall a bit short of the 1000-hour mark by December 31st, I am incredibly proud of the time we’ve spent together and the experiences we’ve shared.

Participating in this challenge has been about so much more than just logging hours. It has been a journey of family bonding, adventure, and gratitude. We’ve tried new things, explored our local areas, and gained a deeper appreciation for the world around us.

Even here in Winnipeg, where the cold can be a struggle, the challenge has taught us to find the bright spots and be grateful for the time we have.

We especially soaked in a lot of joy with observing a longer Autumn season this year and a much milder start to our “Winter”.

Yes, I know Winter Solstice isn’t untill Thursday, but y’all know I’m talking about “Winnipeg Winter Weather” which happens pretty much right after October…unless it blows in early!

While in prior years, we probably had more of a focus on the nature aspect of being outdoors, this year we really have come to be more observant of not only the environment around us, but the weather and how that effects our environment and us!

The kids and I have had alot of talks of these things this year and I know we’ve felt pretty grateful for the year we’ve had.

It also adds to the way we celebrate The Wheel of the Year which brings us a lot of joy and bonding.

I think going forward, whether or not we choose to be logging hours to officially participate in the challenge, this experience will have deeply effected the way we observe alot of things in our day to day life, in ourselves, others and the world around us.

So, while we may not reach 1000 hours by the end of the year, I am filled with gratitude for the moments we’ve had and the memories we’ve made.

We usually cut it close and make up the last of our hours in the last few days, but we only passed 900 just before this past weekend hit.

However, whatever number we hit will be in the 900s and I am super proud of us whatever number in there we land on!

So, we are grateful for the challenge and the experience. Here’s to the joy of being outdoors and the immeasurable benefits it brings to our lives. Wishing you all a wonderful end to the year and many more outdoor adventures in the days ahead!

#1000HoursOutside #Gratitude #FamilyTime

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