Summer of Fun: A Gratitude Ritual

As Summer Break comes to an end, it’s time to reflect on the amazing memories we’ve made, the bonds we’ve nurtured, and the experiences that have sparked joy and been part of our growth journey. This Summer Break, we decided to focus on a FUN Diet and made a Summer Bucket List of things that we thought would help spark joy in our lives. And boy, did this summer ever ignite with excitement! It was indeed, The Summer of Fun!

We took off with checking things off our bucket list but kept the momentum going with so many more fun things to do this summer beyond that! Today, we spent some time doing the reverse of the bucket list and instead recounted from memory all the fun things we did as a gratitude ritual. The list we recounted of our summer experiences was far longer than our actual bucket list. We even went through photos and put together a crazy collage to encapsulate it as a keepsake.

Summer 2023 Memories

Our Summer of Fun has helped put a pep back into our step and helped us to bond as we were reminded of the everyday adventures we can have together and the little gems within our own city. Here are some of the ways our Summer of Fun has benefited our family as well as our relationships with friends and family we got to bond with:

1. Strengthened Family Bonds

Our Summer of Fun has brought us closer together as a family. We spent quality time together, laughed, and created memories that will last a lifetime. We learned new things about each other and discovered new shared interests. We also got to bond with extended family members and friends, which helped us to strengthen those relationships as well.

2. Encouraged Gratitude

Recounting all the fun things we did this summer as a gratitude ritual has helped us to appreciate the little things in life. We realized that we don’t need to travel far or spend a lot of money to have fun and make memories. We can find joy in the simple things, like a picnic in the park or a walk on the beach. We are grateful for the experiences we had this summer and the people we shared them with.

3. Sparked Joy and Creativity

Our Summer of Fun has sparked joy and creativity in our lives. We tried new things, explored new places, and stepped out of our comfort zones. We discovered hidden gems in our own city and found joy in the little things. We also got to express our creativity through things like physical activity, art, music, and cooking. We feel more inspired and motivated to continue exploring and trying new things.

As the new school year begins tomorrow, we will fall back into a steady routine and enjoy the slowing of our momentum into the cozy and more reflective state that the Autumn season usually invokes. Within that state, we often find ourselves more introspective and even a little more creative and expressive.

As a family, we are looking forward to this shift and how paying attention to this transition in seasons and the personal cycles in our lives is significant and meaningful to us.

As we look forward to this “slowing down” of pace, it doesn’t mean that the “spark” of fun will dim, but rather, it will be a new opportunity to find more fun and meaningful things to do in the approaching season that matches our adjusted pace. We are excited to continue exploring and trying new things, and we are grateful for the memories we’ve made this summer. We hope that our experiences have inspired others to create their own bucket lists and to find joy in the simple things in life.

Summer Gratitude List

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