Soaking Up The Last Days Of Summer 🌻

As summer draws to a close, we find ourselves reflecting on the memories we’ve made and the adventures we’ve had. It’s been a special season for us, full of sunshine, laughter, and love.

We visited The Sunflower Expo at A Maze In Corn today, where we basked in the beauty of the sunflowers and soaked up the last rays of summer. It’s become a little September tradition for us to take sunflower photos, and we’re grateful for the opportunity to bond as a family and create new memories.

Sunflower Expo 2023

Just like the sunflowers, our family is strong, resilient, and always reaching for new heights. We’re grateful for the relationships we’ve nurtured and enjoyed this summer, and we appreciate the love, support and connection of our family and friends. As we drift into a new season and a new school year, we’re excited for the adventures that lie ahead.

We hope everyone is having a wonderful long weekend and that the coming season is full of joy, growth, and new experiences. And as the sunflowers reminded us today, just like them 🌻 , you can always turn your face towards the sun and reach for new heights!

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